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Couples Therapy

Is your relationship currently experiencing communication breakdown?

Are you tired of constant conflict and loss of intimacy?

Do you feel unsupported in your relationship or are experiencing trust issues?


Are you feeling disconnected or unappreciated?

Are you tired of your finances being an issue in your relationship?

Couples counselling notes that experiencing one or more of these symptoms does not
necessarily mean a relationship is irreparable. Many couples face challenges and seeking
professional help through couples therapy can provide the tools and support needed to navigate
and overcome these difficulties.


Couples counseling, also known as couples therapy or marriage counseling, is a form of
psychotherapy that aims to help couples resolve conflicts, improve communication, and
strengthen their relationship. It involves a trained therapist or counselor working with a couple to
address various issues or challenges they may be facing in their relationship.

The primary goals of couples counseling include:
Improving Communication: Couples often face difficulties in expressing themselves effectively
and understanding each others perspectives. A therapist can help them develop better
communication skills, leading to more constructive conversations.

Resolving Conflicts: Every relationship encounters conflicts, but it is essential to address and
resolve them in a healthy manner. Couples counseling provides a neutral and structured
environment for addressing conflicts and finding mutually acceptable solutions.

Building or Rebuilding Trust: Trust is crucial in any relationship. If trust has been damaged,
whether due to infidelity, betrayal, or other issues, couples counseling can help in rebuilding
trust and creating a more secure foundation for the relationship.

Enhancing Intimacy and Connection: Emotional and physical intimacy are vital components
of a healthy relationship. Couples counseling can help partners understand each others needs,
express their emotions, and work towards creating a more connected and fulfilling relationship.

Addressing Individual Issues: Sometimes, individual issues can impact a relationship.
Couples counseling may involve addressing personal challenges or mental health issues that
one or both partners may be facing, as these can significantly influence the dynamics of the

During a typical couples counseling session, the therapist may use various therapeutic
approaches and techniques to facilitate communication and problem-solving. We use Gottman
theory, Emotional focused therapy (EFT), Narrative therapy, Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
and customized couple’s therapy. The number of sessions required depends on the specific
issues the couple is facing and their willingness to actively participate in the counseling process.
Couples counseling is not only for couples in crisis; it can also be beneficial for those who want
to strengthen their relationship, improve communication skills, or gain insights into their
dynamics before issues become more serious.

Common Questions

Common Questions

Can Therapy Help Us?

Yes, therapy can be very helpful for couples facing challenges in their relationship. Whether you
are dealing with communication issues, conflicts, trust issues, or other concerns, couples therapy provides a structured and supportive environment to address and work through these issues. Here are some ways in which therapy can help:

Improved Communication: Couples therapy focuses on enhancing communication skills. Therapists can teach you and your partner effective ways to express yourselves, listen actively, and understand each other better.
Conflict Resolution: Therapy helps couples develop healthy conflict resolution strategies. Therapists can guide you in navigating disagreements, finding compromises, and fostering a more constructive approach to conflicts.
Understanding Relationship Dynamics: Couples therapy helps you and your partner gain insights into the patterns of behavior and communication that may contribute to relationship difficulties. Understanding these dynamics is essential for making positive changes.
Rebuilding Trust: If trust has been damaged, therapists can guide the process of rebuilding trust. This may involve addressing underlying issues, fostering transparency, and working towards forgiveness.
Enhanced Intimacy: Couples therapy can explore ways to enhance emotional and physical intimacy. Therapists help partners connect on a deeper level, fostering a sense of closeness and connection. 
Addressing Individual Issues: Sometimes, individual issues can impact a relationship. Therapy provides a space to address personal challenges, such as mental health issues or unresolved past experiences, that may be affecting the relationship.
Setting Relationship Goals: Therapists can help couples define and work towards specific relationship goals. This includes identifying shared values, creating a vision for the future, and establishing a roadmap for achieving those goals.
Developing Coping Strategies: Couples therapy equips partners with coping strategies to manage stress, life changes, and other external factors that may affect the relationship.
Promoting Emotional Safety: A therapeutic environment promotes emotional safety, encouraging partners to express vulnerability without fear of judgment. This can foster a sense of security in the relationship.
Preventing Future Issues: Couples therapy is not only for addressing existing problems but can also be a proactive step to prevent future issues. It provides tools and skills to navigate challenges as they arise. It is important to note that the success of therapy depends on the willingness of both partners to actively participate and engage in the process. Additionally, finding the right therapist who understands your specific needs and concerns is crucial. If both partners are committed to making positive changes and are open to the therapeutic process, couples therapy can be a powerful tool for enhancing and strengthening the relationship.

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